Should I retake my SAT Subject Tests come fall?

<p>I scored a 750 on Lit and a 740 on US History. I'm fairly content about my 750 on Lit considering it's got the lowest average score and I barely studied, but the 740 on US History is disappointing. My reach school is Columbia and some of the ones I am hoping to be accepted to are NYU, UC Berkeley, UCLA, and USC. (My safety is UW). Taking my list of schools into consideration, should I retake my subject tests or are they decent enough? (I still have to retake my SAT I on June 5th, so if I bomb that, that will be something I'll also have to take into consideration...)</p>

<p>USH 740 is decent, considering the tough curves and your schools. you might wanna retake though, if opportunity allows.</p>