should i retake the SAT Reasoning?

<p>i recently took the Dec. 1 SAT Reasoning for the first time as a junior and i got a 2160
(CR: 740, Math: 780, WR: 640 Essay 11). i was wondering if i should retake it again because i don't think my CR score and math score will be as high. also, are my chances at a private school shot now? thanks.</p>

<p>i dont think retaking it once ever hurts, unless you do obscenely well. i retook mine and ended up improving 150 points.</p>

<p>This totally depends on your other stats, such as GPA and ECs as well as the schools you are applying to.</p>

<p>it also depends if the school you wnat to go to accept scores that are superscored. if they are, im pretty sure u can jus take the writin section only and forget about the other two....anyone feel free to correct me tho</p>

<p>If you do take the test again, take the WHOLE test. If you didn't you would have to sit through it anyways, and most colleges would see your scores in the other sections. It would look really bad if you got 200 in math and cr because it would be obvious that you weren't trying or didn't care. </p>

<p>Don't worry if cr and math are not quite as high! they are great right now, and on average people who get scores like that would score lower on a retake (so it definitely won't look bad if there a little lower). Good luck!</p>

<p>oh okay. thanks for the advice. by the way, i am probably looking to apply to schools like UCs and maybe some privates such as Stanford and Caltech.</p>