Should I retake the SSAT?

I got a 2292 (96th percentile overall)–93rd percentile in quantitative / math, 99th percentile for reading, and 84th verbal.

I’m an eighth grader applying for ninth if that matters and this was my first try: I honestly sort of winged it–I did a few reading practice tests here and there, looked over some vocabulary words, but no substantial studying which I now regret. I feel like I could’ve done better on the math section–I think I didn’t do so well because I’ve forgotten a lot of algebra 1 (I skipped it, took geometry in seventh grade)–and obviously my verbal score wasn’t so hot. I wouldn’t mind retaking it next month or in December but was wondering if it’d be worth it or not. I’m applying to some top schools (Andover, Exeter, Hotchkiss, etc.) among others: would this score negatively influence my application in any way for these places?

Regrets are bad! It is early in the year, so while I am generally opposed to being focused on tests, I think you would be well-served by taking the SSAT again with preparation.

A 96th percentile is great. Absolutely no reason to retake.

100% agree with ameridad and hard disagree with gardenstategal (sorry).

Absolutely no reason to retake. If you do not get into school X, Y, or Z, it will not be because of your test score.


To be clear, not advising re-take because of score – it’s fine – but because OP feels they didn’t give it their best. Two very different things.

Sure, but a distinction without a difference IMO in the context of OP’s question.

I was responding to this:

“…did a few reading practice tests here and there, looked over some vocabulary words, but no substantial studying which I now regret…”

It depends on why the OP has,regrets, I suppose. And whether there is genuine interest in seeing if they can do better or simply feels like they need a better score. Perhaps wrongly, I read this as “I won the race but know I could have run a faster time, and the latter mattered to me.”

Totally concur with the sentimental that this is unlikely to bar acceptance to any school.

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Your SSAT is in excellent shape. You can retake, but IMO it’s not a good use of your valuable time.

Spend your energy on essays, interviews/prep, any supplemental info that may be helpful to schools, and ensuring teachers have enough background information to assist in giving you excellent recommendations.

Best to you.

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