Should I retake this class?

<p>What is the deal with retaking classes? I received a C- in an unmentionable class this semester. My parents would like me to just accept the (hopefully) one bad grade on my transcript and move on and do well in the rest in my future classes. However, this grade is going to drastically drag down my GPA, and I am thinking about possibly retaking it this summer. </p>

<p>I've heard that you can only retake a class if you get a D or F, however I also know of people who have retaken classes that they've received Cs in.</p>

<p>So what would be better: Move on and do well in future classes or retake the class? </p>

<p>FYI: This class is a major requirement.</p>

<p>if it is an engineering class, i wouldnt advise it because from all my friends who are in engin degrees, most of them say that c’s are pretty much unavoidable…but of course maybe my friends arent as bright as you might be ;)</p>

<p>that being said, if its some humanities class (not to generalize but i think it is widely accepted that they are far easier on the gpa) only retake if you think you can get higher than a flat B…it just seems like your time woulde be better spent taking up some other job/internship that intersts you…assuming you get good grades from here on out like your parents say, i doubt grad schools/future employers will hold one grade against you (its freaking Cal for pete’s sake!) </p>

<p>moreover, if you retake the class, i am not sure if this will invalidate your C-,rather, i think it will just factor in the new grade as well (unlike for ds or fs where i beleieve the old one shows on your transcript bt is not factored in) but you might want to chenck with an advisor on that…also, consider that you could possibly get the same grade (or yikes even lower if you take with a tougher instructor)</p>

<p>LOL, wow this is a LOT to chew on. i am just waiting for bearfacts till midnight b/c my gsi said grades for one of my classes would be up so i just killed time with this post… ;)</p>

<p>Umm it’s a MCB/pre-med pre-requisite. That’s all I’m saying.</p>

<p>But yeah, I think I will just try to forget about it and attempt to get straight As from here on out (haha yeah right). I’ll also try to get more involved in extracurriculars as you said.</p>

<p>Thanks so much. You definitely helped! :)</p>