Should I retake

<p>I am going to be a senior next month, and though I was happy with my Critical reading-750, and math-720 scores, I did not do nearly as well on my writing-590 but a 10 on the essay. Should I retake the test just to boost my writing score?</p>

<p>I don't know... some schools (such as MIT) don't really consider the writing score since it's so new. Also, if the schools take the best "all-in-one-sitting" SAT, you may want to reconsider. Otherwise, sure, you can retake it.</p>

<p>Plus it all depends on where you want to go.</p>

<p>i'd take it over again regardless of what schools you are applying to.. the worst thing that happens is they use your first SAT score.. there's no loss in taking the SAT over again (except for the $40 fee)... u have a great chance to go up in writing so the schools that take the best overall composite will use this higher writing score... in addition, schools like the university of virginia will give you credits if you score above a 720 (i believe this is the score)</p>

<p>take it again</p>

<p>Thanks, UVA is a school im interested in. So I should if my schools are UVA/Georgetown caliber?</p>