<p>In IB I did my extended essay in physics</p>
<p>I want to major in Engineering</p>
<p>According to me this essay is really good -- an original piece of research</p>
<p>Do you think I should include it in the physical application to unies? It's 40 pages thick. I know they're not going to read it but maybe it can look impressive?</p>
<p>i also wanted conformation on this. i did a six-month analysis on my state assessment test and convinced the board to use it as a graduation requirement. is it worth putting the research in?</p>
<p>I think it’s a really bad idea. A Princeton rep stressed that DO NOT send any large (research) papers or essays, but you can send an abstract.</p>
<p>lol no
Just send an abstract or your introduction.</p>
<p>That makes a lot of sense. Thank you.</p>