Should I send ACT scores?

<p>Hi, I have a 2350 SAT but just got back a lousy 34 on ACT (35/34/34/34) :( Do you think I should just send the ACT scores anyway or should I just send the SAT and let the adcoms use their imagination?</p>

<p>Just send your excellent SAT I score. It’ll also save you money.</p>

<p>OMG! You got a 2350 on the SAT? Yeah I would just send my SAT scores. It’s funny because that isn’t a lousy ACT score AT ALL! (You’re two away from a perfect 36!) A 34 is what I am AIMING for! Lucky! LOL</p>

<p>Thanks for cheering me up Vhir. Yeah, I shouldn’t complain but I was really hoping for a 36 and was positive I got a 35 (I didn’t think the reading curve would be THAT harsh). I guess it’s just a huge shot at my ego. Oh well, hope you get that 34+!</p>

<p>[Convert</a> ACT to SAT - How to Convert SAT Scores to ACT Scores](<a href=“]Convert”>Convert ACT to SAT: A 2017 Table for Score Conversion)
[ACT-SAT</a> Concordance](<a href=“]ACT-SAT”></p>

<p>With those charts your ACTs equal a 2340. So, you can look at it one of two ways. 1) You don’t need to send your ACTs because they’re the same, or 2) you can show the schools more good scores to buttress the rest of your applications.</p>

<p>I sent both. I got a 2240 on the SATs, and with these conversions, I got a 2280 equivalent on the ACTs.</p>