<p>I have narrowed all of my schools to three. I got into my safety a couple of months ago, and my reach. At this point, I am still waiting for my third school to send me an admissions decision. My question is, should I send in my deposit for housing to my safety school even though I am still waiting for one of the other schools? I still have to visit the school once I receive a decision, that is if I get accepted. So with less than a month till the May 1st deadline, what should I do? I did visit my safety school already last year and feel comfortable going there. Now, my reach school did not give me enough aid as I wanted it to, but I have gotten in contact with their financial aid offices and they have said that they have put me on this "waitlist" for this full tuition minority scholarship. In case that I get that, I will be going there. Am I able to send in a deposit for a school AFTER the may 1st deadline? Or are you automatically taken off the list of going there? Thanks.</p>
<p>Why do you not have a decision yet from the third school?</p>
<p>I’m not sure why I haven’t heard back from them, I called today and they said they started sending out all the letters this months, and that I will probably receive the letter in about 1-2 weeks.</p>
<p>That doesn’t make sense–don’t they have email notification or a place you can log in to check? they should have sent them early in the month. Wait one week, then if you haven’t heard, call again and say you are very interested but you have to give an answer to other schools.</p>
<p>Wait to send you deposit until a few days before the deadline. At the least, wait 10 days.</p>
<p>@BrownParent, no according to the person I talked to over the phone, they said that the decisions are notified through the mail only. Online you are able to view the status of your application, whether it’s complete or missing something, but thats about it.</p>