Should I send Math II Score?

<p>I am applying to some top tier schools.
I realize that I don't have the standardized test scores, but I have other things going for me. Plus, I already got into my safety school and it can't hurt to apply to a couple of super-reach schools.</p>

<p>For colleges that require 2 Subject Tests, I had to send in 720 on U.S. History and 560 on Literature because those are the only scores that I had. I just took Math II Subject Test and got a 670. Should I submit the 670 on Math II? Would it help cover up the awful 560 on Literature or would it hurt me because I've taken three different subject tests and can't seem to do very well on any of them?</p>

<p>Thank you so much in advance.</p>

<p>560 on Literature is 41st percentile while 670 on Math II is 57th percentile. Is that really a big difference?</p>

<p>^Same answer as above poster.</p>

<p>Sorry, but what do you mean “above poster”?</p>

<p>Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thank you! :)</p>

<p>I attended a college info session at one of the Ivies where the promo guy explained a points system to us. He said that anything 750+ was one level, then 700-740,etc. So I would send the higher number. Also, one is below avg while the other is above. Statistically insignificant, but psychologially very different. So do what you can to present your best side.</p>

<p>Send it. It will not hurt you. It will help, a little. Best of luck!</p>

<p>You should definitely send it. And also, depends on the major you are applying for. A math score never hurts, I guess.</p>

<p>I intend to go into the social sciences.</p>

<p>Thank you for all the replies.</p>

<p>I think you should send it</p>

<p>670 on Math Level 2 probably can’t hurt you. I’d say send it!</p>