<p>I've heard that some people do that, and I was wondering if it helps at all, since I want to go to a school that is a slight reach for me SOOO badly.</p>
<p>If so, how do I write it? </p>
<p>A. What all do I say?
B. How long should it be?
C. Typed or Handwritten?
D. Who do I address when writing it? (you know, like "Dear ___".)</p>
<p>Also, is there any possibility it could hurt my chances? Like if they look at it as begging or something?</p>
<p>I just want to do everything I can to get in, I want to go there soo badly. :(
Thank you so much!</p>
<p>It looks like you are referring to UGA. I actually know some people who have written letters and they feel like it really helped them get in. But I do not know all the technicallities. At UGA I dont think an interest letter will hurt you if it has purpose (not this is my #1 school please accept me).</p>
<p>I would write a letter explaining what you have accomplished since you sent in your app (an “Update” letter, particularly ECs). Then also reaffirm your interest and it being your top choice. Two birds with one stone.</p>
<p>in addition to a couple more opinions on the topic, it would be fantastic if someone could suggest to me how to write the letter, like A, B, C, and D that i mentioned.</p>
<p>How does this look so far? its a rough draft, just tell me what needs to be taken out/added/fixed by referring to each paragraph.</p>
<p>A. Since I have completed the admission process for regular decision, I have received a semester grade report containing perhaps the best grades of my high school career, which you should have received in the mail, and they certainly did not come easily. Upon moving and transferring high schools in the middle of my last year, I have faced some true challenges, particularly with course progression, as my previous high school was much farther behind in curriculum than my current high school is, and the courses are much more challenging and time-demanding here in Mycity as well. I am proud today to say that I have really overcome those challenges, working harder than I ever have in my life and planning on doing just the same when I venture off to college in the fall.</p>
<p>B. Although it is my last semester of high school and many students begin to relax and slack off, I continue to work hard, hoping to earn even more impressive grades this semester, and to obtain the best possible scores on the 4 Advanced Placement exams I will be taking in May. I have also recently taken the SAT for the second time, and you should receive the scores soon if you have not already. </p>
<p>C. I understand that the University of ABC is a highly competitive school, but I hope you will take the time to really look over my application, as I most certainly did not apply to the University of ABC as a back-up or as a safety school. I will not lie to you and say that I have become the captain of a varsity sport or that I have won numerous awards and joined several clubs since applying, as I believe that hard work, honesty, and integrity are much more important than any of those things. Your school has been and will continue to remain my top choice throughout this admissions process and beyond.</p>
<p>D. I truly feel honored to have been considered for admission to The University of ABC. Thank you for your time.</p>
<p>In my opinion, you shouldn’t send a letter. If you get waitlisted or deferred, then send a letter. Until then, be patient and wait for the decision letters to come in.</p>
<p>I don’t really like the letter that you’ve presented here. You should keep it simple and not come across as begging and pleading. </p>
<p>Keep it short and to the point. Something like–Although my Early Action application has been deferred, it has not lessened my interest in attending. I have attached an updated high school resume as well as a copy of my 1st semester grades. Please feel free to contact me if you need any additional information.</p>
<p>I agree with nysmile. His letter is fine. You can even list out the “updates” if you want. And add that it is your TOP choice. They want quick, short. Not drawn-out.</p>
<p>Keep it short & to the point (ie: a few sentences). Simple update on your activities &/or ranking or the like- and a sentence that UGA is your top choice.</p>
<p>There are a lot of run-on sentences and the letter is very lengthy.</p>
<p>I would suggest for you to consider using nysmile’s suggestion. That is more concise and to the point - you can add a few more sentences if you truly feel like you need to, but IMO that is enough. Keep in mind that the adcom has to read through tons and tons of files… your letter might simply bother them.</p>