Should I send my ACT scores?

<p>I took the December ACT and my scores were</p>

<p>English - 35
Math - 35
Reading - 26
Science - 25
Composite - 30. Missed 31 by 1 point.</p>

<p>I am pretty angry right now at my ridiculously low reading and science scores =( I had no prep and December was the only test I have ever taken. In any case, </p>

<p>My SAT score was</p>

<p>Math - 800
CR - 600
Writing - 660 with 8 essay
Total: 2060</p>

<p>I already sent in my SAT score and was wondering whether I should send in my ACT score or not. It is worse than my SAT score, but I think that 35 on English says I am better at grammar than what my writing SAT score indicates. So should I send in my ACT?</p>

<p>We should switch reading and math scores. :)</p>

<p>Sure, the science and the reading may stick out like sore thumbs, but the composite itself converts to about the same score as your SAT (2040-2090).</p>

<p>it just really depends on the school you are applying to. Do they value better English or Science scores</p>

<p>I didn’t know that schools prefer some sections more than others. How do you figure that out?</p>

<p>I thought 30 composite is 1980?</p>

<p>Wow the ACT give so little time for Science and Reading and too much time for English and Math.</p>

<p>Check the colleges website, most say they consider the composite IRC the most</p>

<p>“I thought 30 composite is 1980?”</p>

<p>It’s about mid-page.</p>

<p>[SAT</a> - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia](<a href=“]SAT”>SAT - Wikipedia)</p>

<p>You should send your ACT’s because of your high English section score. Many colleges weigh English and Math sections a lot.
Besides, your English score supplements your SAT writing.</p>

<p>Do most colleges weigh English and Math “more” than Science and Reading scores?</p>

<p><a href=“[/url])”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>^that link shows that 30 is equivalent to 1980.</p>

<p>I would send it in. The English score is much higher than your 660 SAT writing score. Although it is possible that they might frown on your relatively low reading and science scores.</p>

<p>Yeah I am worried that my science and reading scores will stick out like sore thumbs. Any more opinions?</p>

<p>Just got my essay score. Got a 10. </p>


<p>I got an 8 on the essay-again.</p>

<p>Why? I mean, I’m not taking the ACT anymore, but I want to know what exactly are tehy looking for? </p>

<p>For the SAT, I usually get 10’s.</p>
