Should I send my mid-term report?

<p>The college I am applying for does not require mid-term grades for Spring 2009, and its application deadline is March 15.</p>

<p>However, my mid-term grades for this semester are straight A's, all of which are courses required by the institution I am aiming for.</p>

<p>Can I send my mid-term grades as an update (after the deadline)?</p>

<p>Send them, it can’t hurt but it could help.</p>

<p>Definitely send it.</p>

<p>Of course you should send it! I’m pretty sure they’ll look at it even if it comes in way past the deadline anyways</p>

<p>I had the same dilemma and when I visited WashU in St. Louis, I talked to a transfer admissions counselor. He told me that “Some form of update would certainly be good.” I photocopied copies of my exams thus far and sent them in.</p>

<p>Doesn’t WashU use the Common App? The paper Common App booklet has a mid-term report sheet attached.</p>

<p>All I see is College Official’s Report, Secondary School Report, and Instructor Evaluation form.</p>