Hello all,
I’m an international student and I really need some help on whether should I send my AP scores to ED school.
I’m gonna ED Dartmouth and my testings are fine except that I didn’t perform that well in my APs (2*4s in APlang and PhysicsC)
Our school offers optional AP courses but they somehow are not graded and won’t show on the school transcript. However, many of my classmates self studied and got over four 5s on their AP exams. So i’m worried that sending and reporting my AP scores will create disadvantage for me.
FYI, our school is different cuz students only got one year to prepare for their AP exams so we didnt take that much subjects.
Thanks a lot!!!
A 4 is a good enough score to self report.
American students typically prepare only one year for AP exams, although sometimes only one semester (each econ). You were not disadvantaged in this regard (so don’t mention that anywhere!)
Good luck!
AP score reports are not sent with the college application; it is only sent to the college to which you will matriculate. AP Scores can be self reported on the application. You can report any/all/none of them. I see no valid reason not to report any score of a 3+. A 4 is still a good score.
That “woe is me” attitude will do you know favors if it comes through on your application or in your recs. A 4 is not a bad score.
That’s not different; a very small minority of schools teach AP Physics C as a two year sequence, but most teach it as mech in the Fall and E&M in the Spring. I’ve never seen an AP Lang class that lasts more the one academic year.
Thank you so much!! I’ll send them all.
(By saying difficult I meant that we don’t have AP courses until junior year
so we don’t have time to take too many courses)
Thank you for your help!!! <3