Should I Send These Scores?

<p>To make a long story short, I had a family emergency the night before the SAT II Tests. It was the first and only time I could take them. I ended up getting a 670 on chem and a ...630 on Math 2. Needless to say, I wasn't on my game, and these scores are NOT representative of what I can achieve. </p>

<p>My question is, should I send these scores? I know Hopkins "unofficially" requires them, but will they help or actually hinder me? </p>

<p>My transcript clearly demonstrates that I can handle math and science. I'm currently dual-enrolled (at UNCW) in Organic Chemistry II, Calc II, and a few other classes (total of 18 credit hours). </p>

<p>I also submitted a Chemistry research proposal to supplement my app. </p>

<p>I need to know what to do ASAP! Its already late in the game. </p>


<p>No one? I really need some input on this! Please!</p>

<p>The reason no one is answering is that no one on this forum could give you a solid answer. You are on a public forum where free advice is worth every penny paid. (IOW: Worthless.). It is a tough call. Plus…You’ve not provided enough information regarding SAT scores…ACT…AP Scores…Class rank…Etc. And even if you did provide them there is no way the anonymous advice here would help.</p>

<p>My advice (worthless as it is) would be to question if you have sent enough information in for the adcom to see you in multi-demensions. If yes…dont sweat it.</p>