should i send this to dartmouth??

<p>okay so i got an email saying that Dartmouth has not received my fee waiver yet. obviously i need to get that in asap! but i was wondering if it would be okay to attach a letter with it. Dartmouth is def. my first choice. i only didn't do ED for financial reasons and i honestly regret it now. i just want to make it clear that this is where i want to go and it's not like i'm applying there just because.. (i sent this with my fee waiver last time but because they didn't receive the fee waiver i doubt they got this letter) </p>

<p>i visited this summer and i fell in love (so cliche but i dont even care) every other campus visit i went on sucked. dartmouth is the epitome of what i want in a college education. :)</p>

<p>i didn't know that i could have written something like this in the extra section of the common app (because i didnt know how to replicate the app or whatever) </p>

<p>but would this hurt me? i know it probably won't help.. but i want to send it again.</p>

<p>I don’t see how it would hurt.</p>

<p>I doubt the people reading your application are the same ones reading your fee waiver</p>

<p>its going to the same place…
maybe they can just separate it?</p>

<p>someone else asked something like this. dartmouth does not care about demonstrated interest, so saying how much you are interested in dartmouth does not matter.</p>

<p>I don’t think they practice yield protection at all–they don’t care about interest. They just want to get a class of the most qualified individuals possible.</p>