Should I sleep!?!

<p>been cramming all night/morning..
think I should concede to having one to 2 hours sleep?
If it won't make much of a difference I'll just stay up..
hope I don't crash... it's just 1 subject test though!</p>

<p>Your mind has to take a break in order for you to possibly remember anything. First off close your computer as college confidential can become very addictive at times, then take a nap and relax. My teacher said that when she was in college she took a psychology class and learned something very imp. — which is if you learn something new right before your exam that new fact will replace and old one ,meaning that your back to where you started, but much more aggrivated and tired.</p>

Point of all of that:</p>

<p>Go sleep and forget about your exam (I am guesing you have prepped enough, even if you haven’t it’s too late) !!!</p>

<p>Best of LUCK!</p>

<p>Jeez. Don’t you know that not sleeping will lop off about 50-100 pts on your test? Go rest.</p>

<p>memory consolidation is needed from REM sleep! Go.</p>

<p>It’s pretty eerie that I ended up staying up all night, fully alert and awake (as far as I knew). And I think I ended up doing much better on the exam after doing all of that extra review!! We’ll see if the lack of sleep affected my attention to detail come test score arrival.</p>

<p>lol same… I got maybe an hour of sleep but at least I branded those physics eqns into my head</p>

<p>last minute cramming + coffee > sleep</p>

<p>yeah man!
first time I really took a large dose of coffee and coincidentally I was actually very alert and able to get through the night easily. I was actually kinda mad that the chem test didn’t cover more material, since I spent SO much time memorizing stuff that turned out to be pretty useless.</p>

<p>You may have done a few stupid mistakes. Like you knew the answer was A, was bubbled in B. Or read the question opposite to what it means.</p>

<p>Being sleep deprived never helps (though, it may not necessarily hinder you). But if it was a more factual-knowing test, you have a better chance of doing well sleep deprived. Logical reasoning goes out the door when you’re tired.</p>

<p>Like kidwithshirt said, you need REM to consolidate those memories!</p>

<p>What’s REM?</p>

<p>By the way if it’s an obvious answer just excuse my brilliance</p>

<p>[Rapid</a> eye movement (sleep) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia](<a href=“Rapid eye movement sleep - Wikipedia”>Rapid eye movement sleep - Wikipedia)</p>

<p>I was up till 2:30 studying for the Bio SAT… I felt fine in the morning. I’m glad I stayed up.</p>

<p>A few weeks ago (December 20th) I had to finish some online classes for a deadline, so I stayed up all nigt and had to take my AP Statistics midterm the next day. I did fine.</p>