Should I still apply?

<p>I just finished my first year of college and I am planning to apply to UM as a transfer student for the fall of 2013. I have completed 25 credits this year, so according to their website I have to send in my hs transcripts, final report, and SAT scores along with all of my college stuff. I'm a little apprehensive about that because unfortunately I didn't receive the best grades in hs and was pretty much a slacker. Let's just say that I was no stranger to seeing an occasional F or two on my report card during those years. For my SAT scores I received a total of 1460.
For my first year of college I received A's and B's and one C in a practicum class that is worth 1 credit and most likely won't transfer over anyway. I currently have a 3.37 GPA. I guess what I am trying to ask is if my hs grades will bring my chances of being accepted down even though I have improved in college. Should I even still bother to apply? Also is there anyone here who has applied to this school under the same circumstances yet still got accepted. Share your thoughts.</p>

<p>I know absolutely nothing about transfer admissions/applying so take my input with a grain of salt. But I’d totally recommend that you do apply. I have a feeling that your first year of college academics will help you more than your HS record will hurt… growth and improvement is always good. I don’t see how applying could hurt if you really want to transfer to UM!</p>

<p>Thanks for your insight. It’s just a little intimidating for me since UM is such a competitive school.</p>