Should I still go for Pre Vet?

I am almost done with my freshman year of college, did pretty bad. gpa is a 2.6 I withdrew from one class last semester and got a c plus in calc 1, all my other grades were in the b range. This year I honestly think I did worse but my grades haven’t come out yet. I am a pre vet student who will hopefully in the summer look for a job or volunteer with animals. I have the next three years to try to boost up my grades but I am not sure. Personal problems kinda screwed me over to the point I went to therapy at school last semester. Should I ditch the pre vet idea and head to grad school and get a masters in an animal related field and then go to vet school? Or what? (will update with grades once i got them). I also live in RI and attending BC so the only school I can really go to for vet school is tufts because it is closest.

First of all, how are you feeling now? I hope that the therapy has helped. Have you met with your pre-vet advisor? That person is in the best place to assist you. Vet schools look at GPA, (especially in the pre-requisite courses), GRE scores, number of hours of direct animal care, EC’s, etc. They take a slightly more holistic approach to admission than many medical schools. It may be necessary to find out if they would accept a higher grade if you needed to repeat a course. Some will accept the higher grade, it depends upon the school. Is there an articulation agreement between BC and Tufts? Not sure why you believe that Tufts is the only school you can go to. There are other veterinary schools that it is possible to apply for admission.