<p>I really like economics, but I struggle in math, and math is very important for economics. I want to be able to attain a high GPA, for a MBA at a later time. Should I take the risk of a lower GPA and go into Economics, which I enjoy. Or something I find that I could get a higher GPA in, such as Public Affairs?</p>
<p>What do you think of this idea, Double major with a degree in Management and Public Affairs, with a minor in Econ?</p>
<p>It's true that math is fundamental to economics, but the amount of math you're required to take for an undergrad econ. degree isn't too intensive. It depends on the school you go to, but most of the time, you're required to take one full year of calculus and 2-3 courses in statistics. Besides calculus and statistics, you won't have to take any other math as an econ major. </p>
<p>It's a different story if you plan to go to grad school for econ because you then have to take a lot more math beyond one year of calculus and some statistics. But since you said you're more interested in an MBA, you won't have to worry about that. </p>
<p>Also, a lot of the undergrad econ classes aren't too mathematical. They usually have more of a theoretical approach.</p>
<p>If you can handle Calculus I and II and intro to stats, you will be fine with Economics. Undergraduate Economics does not really require more than that.</p>