Should I study abroad for a semester in my senior year of high school?

I’m a junior right now, and have been thinking of doing this for a while. I would go in college, but I’ve hosted students from other countries before and would like to have the experience of being part of a family. I’d preferably go the fall semester next year, as I don’t want to miss prom, graduation, and other senior things. After the classes I’m taking right now, all I would need senior year is one English, one social studies, and one science credit. My school is on block scheduling so I could easily fit those into my semester when I return. I’m currently in my sixth year of Spanish, third year of French, and first year of Mandarin Chinese. I would prefer going to a French-speaking country, since I’m white and would look less “out of place”. I know I’d be missing out on half of my senior year, but this may be my last chance for a family stay (going the second semester of my junior year isn’t an option for me). Should I do it, and if so, are there any recommended companies to do this through/ advice about studying abroad?

Personally, I think you’re better off trying to do this over the summer. For the Fall semester, you will be spending an immense amount of time on college applications and essays, and it’s a waste to spend you time in a foreign country doing this. Additionally, you would need to get all of your recommendations lined up before you left.

On behalf of Latinos and Latinas everywhere, please tell me you did not mean this the way it came out.

Fall semester would be my only option, I’m busy over the summer too.

Re-reading what I said, you’re right, that came out TOTALLY wrong. I apologize.

I agree that this would be easier over the summer. I can’t imagine completing applications and re-taking SATs overseas!
You may be able to study abroad in college, if you aren’t able to during high school.

Most students who choose to go abroad in HS do so junior year. Are you sure Spring Junior year isn’t possible? The other logical option is Spring Senior year. Finally, your last option is to complete HS in the US but apply for a post graduation HS year abroad, then ask for a year deferral from your chosen college (most private colleges accept, for publics it’s iffier), spend a year abroad with no application hassle, and return to start college. :slight_smile:
It’s definitely totally different going as a HS student and being immersed in family life, in a school, etc, than going in college.
You could go to a Cegep in Quebec, they may have “North American traditions” like Prom?
In France, for sure, they don’t. Since you’re really into Languages, you’d likely be placed in the “L” track, which includes:

  • 8 hours of Philosophy
  • 5 or 7 hours of English, 2 or 3 hours in one or two other foreign languages (so, for you, Anglais LVO, Espagnol LVA, Chinois LV3 - you’d have to request a HS that offers Chinese, not all do) - classes taught in the foreign language + if offered the “Classe Euro” (an academic subject taught in a foreign language - typically, History taught in English).
  • 4 hours of Contemporary Historical Issues (like “History and Memory of WW2”, “The Press in France from 1880 to today”) + Issues in Globalization (like a case study about London, Paris, New York City, Shanghai, and a case study about cell phones as exemplars of globalization).
  • 2 hours of phys ed, you choose one sport per term (you can be exempted if a doctor says you shouldn’t take it)
    Is that something you’d be into?