Should I submit a 1450 to Northeastern

NEU call their tuition discount whatever they want. If you are a URM and got national recognition because of your PSAT and confirmatory SAT then I would absolutely 100% submit.

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Last suggestion:
read this thread:

  • Yes, Fall 2022 may not be the same as last year, but so many amazingly overqualified applicants were deferred/rejected/NUin/bound.

starting Jan 26 at 5pm:

Colleges with under 20% acceptance rate is a crapshoot now. No guarantees.

What’s that saying? Your GPA/test scores should be the least interesting thing about your application.

spend a LOT of effort and energy on your commonApp essay and application (describing your extracurricular activities/jobs/internships)

My friend’s Junior is taking his SAT again, trying to top his 1500, 4.4WGPA.
He’s URM, Eagle Scout, started his own company, etc.

Hope you have a few great targets and safeties.

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Let me be a bit blunt. What is your EFC? If it is below say $40K, your chances will be less than 20%. If it is more, it will be much higher.


It is actually quite simple. Most colleges have a revenue target. Divide that by number of students and you get what the average target price is. Last year, most students like him got between $30-34K based on what I have heard from the community. @huango might be able to add more. If you can pay more than that target price with good stats, your chance of getting accepted goes up, if it is less then it goes down. As simple as that. The Seligno thread has been posted multiple times on here too. That is a reality, especially for a school like NE.

I’m asking where are you getting the chance of admissions you cite? Seems like you are just guessing, no?

At a school with a 7% admit rate for class of 2026, not many full pay unhooked students (and OP does have a URM hook) are going to have a ‘much higher’ than 20% chance of admission based on what we can see on CC. But, if you do have data that support that statement, I would be happy to see it.

My S22 has only gotten some NEU financial/merit details from only a few friends. Most friends can pay full price, very high EFC.
Few of them got $10K-12K/yr merit.
No one he knows has gotten anything above $15K/yr, nothing close to S22 $31K from NEU.
Same kids either went ED or got into NUin/bound.

I don’t think $30K-$34K is the average merit/financial aid.
At least not at our high school.

My EFC is less than 40k

Have you considered one more try taking the SAT? As others have said, NEU loves high stats. I do not think you should submit your score. I suggest you practice the EBRW sections and try again. Super scoring is fine at NEU. I don’t normally suggest students retake standardized tests, but I think your case warrants it. There’s too large a discrepancy between the two sections of the test.

Being URM is no guarantee of anything these days, especially not at a school that received 90,000 applications this cycle and aggressively tries to improve its ranking.

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@Lindagaf is very wise on such matters. I disagree a bit on the retake. For CS, your score is fine but what we do not know is how the rest of your app stacks up. How many ECs do you have that set you apart in you chosen field of study?

NEU is notorious for seeking out standard strong students that can pay full ride or close. Pay attention to @huango’s post. The most merit I have heard of for this year’s cycle is $32K. Now, you will get subsidized loans but you will most likely need plus loans unless you fall below the poverty line.

URM in STEM with excellent stats is a huge hook but with 90K+ students applying, your chances would have gone up substantially if you could pay close to full asking.

If you do not mind me asking, why are you sold on NEU? Frankly, it is not a school known for great aid or CS. There are many schools that offer a much stronger CS program and might be a better fit for you.

What I was implying is that a full pay student with good stats has a better chance of getting in. A URM with those stats that is full pay will have a significant advantage, I’d say about a 10% advantage with ED. So yes, 20% is a guess but a pretty good one.

My neighbor with 1 kid at Northeastern and 1 at Drexel swears that Northeastern IS Drexel, just with a bigger price tag. Take a look at Drexel. Might be better for aid. Also, RIT, WPI and Lehigh.

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