I started art as a hobby a year ago, so I don’t think I’m very good. However, I want to write my essay about art, and I was thinking about accompanying it with a supplement. I know most schools only say to submit if I have exceptional talent, but I don’t know what to compare my art to. Would anyone be willing to review my portfolio? If so, please dm me for the link.
Atm I believe I’m much better at ceramics. My technical skills suffer from lack of experience, although I’ve been drawing almost every day since I got into art seriously. I also included my first painting that I just made this weekend. It’s awful and I don’t plan on submitting that, but I would like people to get an idea of how I paint and draw anyways.
Also keep in mind that this has been hastily thrown together, but I will have better photographs of my art if I decide to actually submit a portfolio. Other than that, be as harsh as you want. I would also be grateful for any critiques of my art beyond “it sucks.”
I would like to know which pieces are strong enough to be submitted, if any.
Thank you!