Should I submit my 1360 SAT score?

I have an SAT score of 1360 (660 writing & 700 math). I’m applying in-state for the engineering program. My GPA is 3.99 UW & 4.74 W. I am highly involved in Band, and I am an active member in multiple clubs. Should I submit my score to Texas A&M or Rice University?

Thank you!

Texas A&M, most definitely. Their SAT average ranges from 1140-1380 so you’re golden. Engineering is harder to get in to, but with that score it won’t hurt you to add it.

I have no clue for Rice so I’m just going to leave it there.

Good luck!

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Can you retake SAT? 1360 is not enough for Rice Engineering for sure. Any chance you can break at least 1400? I would say to be competitive for Engineering you need 1500, but for less competitive schools 1450 to 1490 should do it…


@oteine what’s your class rank?

Rice 25th percentile is 1500 so a hard no.

The data is a few years old but it seems reasonable to submit to A&M.

Good luck.



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So technically you are guaranteed a spot in all public universities under TX rule, am I correct?
What you are not guaranteed is Rice (private) or an Engineering school major in any of the public…

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Rice will admit with lower test scores if there is a good reason. They look holistically. What sorts of classes/EC has the student had participation or leadership roles? Rice is looking for difference makers and a compelling story and lots of interest can tip the scales.


A7M yes, Rice no.

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Yes, that’s correct

Should I submit my score to these schools or submit no SAT score at all?

You’ve had good advice already and I don’t see that changing. Yes to A&M, no to Rice.

Someone suggested that maybe you should submit at Rice because you might have other circumstances that will be considered. If that is correct, then they are still going to consider whatever those factors might be, regardless of your test score. At Rice, your score is not a boost to your app. I would not submit it.


@oteine since you’re auto admit, you need to get your A&M application in asap! Housing is determined by time stamp Housing application is paid, and you can’t pay until you get admission. Trust me, you want to be among the 1st to get admission.

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I suspect that A&M may take you into Engineering without SAT. In my opinion your current SAT score does not help you… I wouldn’t submit. See my previous posts…


Thank you


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