Should I submit my GPA or my numerical grade?

My current overall GPA is 3.84, but my school gives hard A’s (an A is equivalent to a 95). So numerically, my 3.84 is equal to a 94/100. Given that in most American schools, an A is equivalent to a 93, does my numerical grade look more impressive? Does that make it look like a 4.00 because it is above an American A? Should I submit that instead of my GPA?

Your application should match your transcript so submit whatever appears on your transcript. All your other questions are moot.

My transcript has both GPA and numerical.

Then it really does not matter. Regardless, the AO will look at the transcript anyway and will interpret your grades however they choose to. I just need to correct one error on your part:

An A is equivalent to 93-100 at most HS’s.