Should I superscore? 10 point score drop in one category

I just received my scores for the April ACT and received a 31C (35R, 35E, 30M, 24S) which was a drop from the February (35R, 35E, 28M, 34S). Superscored this would be a 34, but would colleges look badly upon the 10 point score decrease in science? I had a panic attack during the exam.

Should I just submit the original 33? I don’t want to send under a 30 in math

No you should superscore, of course we do need to know what colleges you are sending the scores to.

I’m applying ED to Bryn Mawr, and 33 is already above their 75th percentile, but would the 34 make much of a difference?

It’s not the 33 that’s an issue, it’s the 28 in math. It helps to have all scores = or > 30 and as long as they say they super score then that is what they will do. If others applicants are super scored and you don’t, that’s a disadvantage.

If a school says they superscore then send both. If not, don’t.