Should I switch from a computer engineering major to computer science?

I’ve been accepted to Purdue first year engineering for fall 2018 and I plan to major in CE. I want to work as a software developer so I was wondering if I should switch to CS. Can anyone from Purdue tell me how much emphasis is there on software for the CE courses and is it possible for a computer engineering major to land a job as a software developer.

Yes, you should switch.

Yes, but it’d be a bit of a roundabout way to do it and you’d be studying many areas that software developer won’t touch through your academics while missing the deeper areas of CS.

These answers go for pretty much every college. Of course, there are benefits of knowing CE for some parts of CS, but this is niche/limited.

I would contact the College of Science to talk to them about it. I know they had over 5,000 applications for computer science this year, and will have a freshman class of 370. When we were there, it sounded like it would be very difficult to transfer into computer science if you weren’t admitted there. So it might be worth a call to know more about how you’d do it.