Should I Switch From Honors PreCalc to Regular?

Junior, 2017

(This year I have enrolled in all AP/Honors option provided to me.)

Core Classes

Honors Chem A-
AP Lang A+
Honors PreCalc B
Spanish III A+

GPA not available :confused:


I wanted to challenge myself this year in math. I was never a strong math student, but due to the fact that I had never taken an accelerated or honors course, I have been able to maintain an A average in all of my math classes. The class I am in now grades on 80% tests and quizzes, 20% homework, no extra credit or corrections. Facing the fact that I had gotten a B first quarter (the first on my high school transcript) was difficult, but I have come to terms with it. However, I want three A- for my last three quarters BADLY. Iā€™m not convinced its going to happen. Iā€™m just not as strong as many of my classmates. My pitfall lies in my execution, not in understanding concepts.

That is not my reason for considering a switch. I worry disproportionately about math, and do not get to be as thorough in my other classes as a result. I study long and hard, get intensely anxious, and still get a poor score. (For some reason, 79% is a common number for me to get.) Do I ride it out, and just try to relax a little more about this class? Is it not worth the stress? I know many exemplary students who have refused Honors PreCalc in my grade. I am worried that dropping an Honors class is a bad move for admissions, as I know officers want to see not only your grades increase over time, but the rigor of your classes.

Thanks :slight_smile:

Will your school let you do that this late in the semester? Iā€™d recommend getting some tutoring. Ask your teacher for help, see if your school offers tutoring services, use online homework help, watch youtube or other web videos on the topics.

Thank you for the response.

I have been doing youtube videos and extra teacher help, but I will look into tutoring- NHS is a great resource to find help. So in your opinion, is the honors class worth the anxiety/time away from other classes?

It sounds to me like the real issue is test anxiety, not a lack of understanding, would you agree?