<p>I am currently a sophomore and so far i am failing algebra 2 Honors (i have a 54) :/ i study for every quiz and test and i think that i did well but i soon find out that i failed and this keeps happening I am taking all honors classes and 2 ap classes and im doing okay in them but algebra is sooo stressful Everyone i know whose taking cp algebra 2 says that its EXTREMELY EASY and theyre all getting a+'s. is it worth it to stay in honors or should i drop to alg 2 cp??? Please help</p>
<p>I was in a similiar situation a month or so ago. I’m a freshman and I was in Honors Algebra I and was getting about a 60 in it - it was just way too hard. I dropped down to the regular class and I’m getting a 98, its so much easier.</p>
<p>Also keep in mind that an A in a regular class would look better on your transcript than an F in Honors. :)</p>
<p>In my opinion and from experience, it’s not worth the stress. But it’s up to you and whether you think you can stick it out and bring up your grade. Good luck! :)</p>
<p>drop. trust me, you don’t want to end up regretting that grade later. been there, done that. if it’s possible go down to an accelerated class. if not, just go down to cp</p>