<p>I plan to self-study 4 APs this year, but I'm not sure if it's a wise idea since it's also the year of SATs! Also, I'm a Canadian, and self-studying, so that makes it more difficult. HOWEVER, I plan on studying the following:</p>
<pre><code> AP English Literature and Composition
AP Calculus AB
AP European History
AP Not sure! (not psychology)
<p>Any advice? I'm a sophomore right now and I plan on self-learning these from the start of my junior year. Any advice on whether I should take these, take all of them, how to self-study these, and a potential AP course that I should take (as my 4th one) would be helpful! </p>
<p>Thanks in advance!! </p>
<p>4 AP’s on top of your standard school curriculum is a very heavy load for grade 10. If by self-study you mean working with an outside academy, it is more doable with some oversight. I am assuming that your math is already very advanced. European Hist. will be v reading intensive. AP Pscyh will be the easiest to do. AP Engl is best tackled in class and with a teacher. You’re overdoing it a bit!</p>
<p>To be honest with you, I don’t think you should try self-studying AP Calc AB because I heard it was really hard
If your school has it, then try to take it as a class
At my school only seniors can take it. Unless you’re amazing at math, try to avoid self-studying that xD If you really want to self-study a math, try self-studying AP Statistics.</p>
<p>But you should self-study Psych because I heard it was so easy! I’m going to be a freshman next year, and I’m going to self study it along with AP Music Theory. Some other easy self-studies are AP Environmental Science, AP Human Geography (and since so many freshman take it, the curve is insane!), and AP Statistics. I heard AP Microeconomics and AP Macroeconomics were medium-easy, but I guess it just depends if you think you can handle it
And since you’re going into your junior year next year, remember you still have a whole more year to self-study APs! xD</p>
<p>Anyways, good luck, and I hope you do well self-studying :D</p>