<p>There's a class in which the midterm counts as 25% of the grade and I got a 72% on it (lowest grade I've ever gotten). I have 100% on all the quizzes and homework thus far. </p>
<p>I am concerned about getting a B or lower in the class. I am 10 credits from graduating (after this quarter) and have only received A's. My GPA at UW is 3.82 and I'm worried about it dropping from this class, also worried about it not looking good after getting only A's my entire time here. </p>
<p>Taking the grade as an S would solve that problem. Is there any down side to it? This class is only an elective to me as I have all the requirements done for my major and the areas of knowledge. </p>
<p>I don’t think one S would hurt you at all. If it’s an elective, I think you should go for it. And since it’s your only S in your entire academic record, it won’t matter. It’d matter more if your gpa plummeted because of that class</p>
<p>I agree with 0vercast. Congrats on being in the final stretch before graduation!</p>
<p>I’ve been considering going to grad school. Do you think taking an S would look bad to them? And if so, would it be worse then getting a grade that’ll pull my gpa down?</p>
<p>And thanks speedsolver
It’ll be nice to be able to sign up for classes first this time (tomorrow!). Funny though, for the first time I have no idea what I want to take.</p>
<p>Where is the curve set?</p>
<p>The midterm? it’s not being curved</p>
<p>Actually our TA yesterday told us that it would not be curved, but our teacher just sent this email a few minutes ago:</p>
<p>Here is the (very rough) curve for the midterm:</p>
<p>96 - 4.0
83 - 3.0
69 - 2.0
56 - 1.0</p>
<p>This curve is on the pessimistic side. The exam curve (set after
the final exam) is usually a little softer by a point or so.</p>
<p>What does this mean for me? Does my grade go further down?</p>
<p>That means that you had better switch to a S/NS right away and then not consider it a guarantee that you’ll get the S. Maybe study a little bit more than you did for the midterm for the final.</p>
<p>My current grade in the class is a 90%
(As mentioned, I have 100% on all homeworks and weekly quizes)</p>
<p>And FYI, I did study…I had something tragic happen with my family the day before the midterm
(I always do, that’s why i’ve never received a grade lower then an A for any midterm/tests before or for any class.)</p>
<p>Edited out emotional part of response.</p>
<p>Oh no! That’s terrible. I’m sorry, I’ll pray for you. </p>
<p>I misunderstood what you had posted. My bad, please forgive me. I was thinking that after the midterm your grade was at 72% (putting you just above the 2.0 cutoff), so ignore my prior statement.</p>
<p>If you’re sitting, at the curve, at a 3.5 or a 3.6 (which is what I now understand your position) then why not continue in the class, remembering that the family situation and the low midterm will be an outlier and that you will likely improve your position along the class curve? If that’s the case, then I would not take the S/NS.</p>
<p>But, if the family situation will be ongoing, then perhaps you would like to focus more on it and less on the class and just take an S/NS so you don’t have to worry about it since you’d be a full 1.5-6 above the S/NS cutoff.</p>