Good afternoon,
This past Saturday, I was informed that my classes were being dropped due to nonpayment of tuition and fees. Right now, the money I owe to be reinstated is nowhere close to what I have. My parents, in addition, are going through financial hardships themselves, and my conscience would kill me for taking money from them that they virtually do not have. Facing late fees for reinstatement plus a past due balance for a summer class I took last semester, should I just let it be? Take the semester off, and build up a savings account before heading back to school in spring?
I only intend to take this semester off, as I currently have about 79 credits before Fall 2012, which can count as being ahead, but not by much.
While this was not the turn I was expecting life to take me through, I feel that at this point it may be the best decision, as the rewards for this may result in even better performance in school upon my return. Thank you guys for your time!
I think it’s a good plan. As long as you won’t miss out on any first semester-only courses, it seems like your best course of action – and I can vouch for a semester off being worth it!
Believe me, I’ve thought of everything there is to win and lose. And there are various courses in my major being offered in both Fall and Spring, so things are good in that department.
I guess the only thing holding me back is not knowing how to tell my mom about it. She’s very paranoid about things like that and she may worry that taking a semester off would mean quitting school altogether, even though she knows that is way out of character for me.
If you present all of the benefits to your plan, I’m sure you can convince her it’s the better option. If you can set up a studying schedule while you’re taking a break, that might also help calm her down, since you’ll be getting ahead/filling in any gaps in knowledge, so you’ll be even more prepared for when you get back. I hope it works out for you!