<p>It's going to be my first. See, I'm on my 3rd week of Summer session and I have this Speech101 class. I swear, I feel like I'm being graded unfairly. I look at my classmates work and I know that I did better than them on the assignment but they're getting WAAAYYYY better grades than me. It's just so disappointing to see my work go for nothing. Summer is pretty important and vital for me. </p>
<p>I want your input on it. Should I drop it and just take the W? I will take Speech10 over Fall instead to fulfill that requirement in that section of the IGETC.</p>
<p>i thought you didnt need to ttake speech for UC’s and what grade do you have in speech?</p>
<p>Yeah but I have to be realistic and take CSUs into account too.
And I don’t know yet. I’ve received a couple of B’s already.</p>
<p>Do it to avoid getting your GPA dropped! I am in the same situation too. I swear my essay is much, much better than my classmate’s, and even though the people at the English center (those folks who help proofread your essay) praise a lot, my @#$%@ instructor refuses to give me anything higher than a B. I am still waiting for the grade of my 3rd essay (we have 5 total), and if it’s another B/C, you know what I’m about to do :D</p>
<p>Excessive W’s don’t kill you (just need to explain in your essay), but excessive C’s do, so keep that in mind lol</p>
<p>I know. If had this in my mind before I could’ve avoided those C’s that are pulling my GPA down the hole.
Well, we have two more speeches and I kid you not my outlines and speeches are way better in content and quantity than other students and I’m getting lower grades than them. It’s just not fair.
Maybe I will. I don’t have any W’s at the moment.</p>
<p>Don’t complain, life is always not fair lol. Professors are human, sometimes they grade based on emotions too. </p>
<p>Btw, if you are near the ‘last day to drop to receive a W’, do it. Otherwise (as in my case - 8-week summer session), wait for the grade of your next speech and see if it’s better ;)</p>
<p>It’s a for sure W now. I don’t know when the letter grade is at though. HAHA. But I think I HAVE TO keep it. Grrrrr… </p>
<p>I had this professor in Dance History my first semester. I had A’s on all my summaries, I was exempted from all the tests because I get the automatic A for it. I was a perfect student. She gave me a C. -______-</p>
<p>That gorilla.</p>
LOL. Ask her why she gave you a bad grade despite all your effort. Unless you do sth wrong, she cannot make a bad call like that. If I were you, I would ask her to clarify or report to the dean… seriously</p>
<p>Btw, I just read the first few posts in this thread and it seems like you are worrying too much. If you are sure you can go to a UC, don’t take classes for CSU Gen Ed, UNLESS you have finished everything for UC (major pre-reqs & IGETC) and feel so bored lol</p>
<p>Yeah go with the W, I mean just as long as you don’t have more than two W’s, you should be fine.</p>
<p>I had three W’s (one in a speech class) and I got into every school I applied to.</p>
<p>@Snipe But I might end up going to a CSU level, yaknow. She gave me a D on a final paper. Which is a CRITIQUE of the show she choreographed. Her reason: “You said some mean things.” Uhhh…1) I appreciate hard work no matter what. 2)My friend was in that show 3) It’s a critique. You can’t mark me off for saying what I think. Gorilla…</p>
<p>@Norie What was your GPA? "D</p>
<p>July 4th - First Amendment - Freedom of Speech - said that to her face and tell me her reaction
(I’m kidding lol)
Btw, off-topic too much, summing up, you should definitely get a W if you feel uncomfortable in that class :D</p>
<p>Well, if it seems like a B is impossible I will. Right now I’m prolly mid-B.</p>
<p>Off-topic is fine. People should lighten up a little. College is killing people with worries, before they even get in.</p>
<p>For the millionth time
…Ws are not a problem at all!!! …You can get 10 Ws and you would still be OK. THIS IS FACT: One C is worse than TEN Ws - no matter who tells you what.</p>
<p>As has been mentioned above, as long as you explain your Ws you’re OK. I got 5 Ws (yes, you read that right …FIVE!!) and got into EVERY SINGLE SCHOOL I applied to: Berkeley, UCLA, UCSD and CSULB …and for an engineering major at that (among the hardest to get into).</p>
<p>There was one guy here on this board sometime back who, if I recall correctly, had something like 11 or 12 Ws and also got into all the schools he applied to.</p>
<p>…and yes, I applied to CSULB too as a backup even though I had a 3.85 gpa …talk about being a skeptic!!
And so I had to take speech as well for the CSU</p>