<p>I'm a freshmen and I'm going to be in 4 honors classes next year for sure (History, Math, Science, Spanish). If I want to be in Honors English I need to apply for it. This does not mean I'm in but it means I could be in Honors English. If I don't apply I'm automatically in regular English. I'm a B+ English student (in regular English). I want to get into top tier colleges, so I'm debating weather to apply or not. Would it make a difference if I'm in all honors classes or 4 honors classes? There are about 3 people in my grade who plan on taking all honors classes. Should I apply for honors English?</p>
<p>Take honors.</p>
<p>Yes, take honors.</p>
<p>Trust me, Writing skills matter in top-tier schools. If not for amping up your schedule, you have to at the very least take it to help you write those admissions essays.
Also, most schools are moving towards eliminating remedial classes so, if you’re not at a college-level by the time you graduate high school, you’re screwed. Take it.</p>
<p>Yes take all honors. You will have more options in the future.</p>
<p>Take Honors. It really won’t be that much harder, but it will look better.</p>
<p>Freshman year is the easiest year. It’s the year you can get away without taking any AP courses. Take as many honors courses you can. This might be the only year that you can handle it, though that’s doubtful.</p>
<p>Writing and critical thinking are possibly the two most important skills you can learn in high school, and will help you tremendously throughout your academic and professional career (including on those SATs).</p>
<p>Take Honors English.</p>