Hi guys! I’m a rising sophomore who will apply to TAMS and TALH (they are both 2 year early college/residential high school programs in Texas).
For our course selections for sophomore year, I chose principles of health science as one of my elective classes. However, I’m going to try out for the tennis team this summer, and if I make it health science will be replaced with tennis. Now I am having second thoughts and am thinking of instead replacing health science with AP art history. I believe that will strengthen my application (especially to TALH, which is largely humanities-based) since art history is considered a (kind of) humanities class.
So my question is, should I do this? If I do decide to, I will have to first make the tennis team (which I know I can 100%) then drop it on the first day of school. The reason is that that way I can say that I am dropping a UIL activity (which is one of the only valid ways to change your classes after school starts).
Thank you for reading this and please give me some advice.