<p>Around this time of year, students at my school start to pick classes for the upcoming year. I will be a senior next year and I need some advice for what I should take in the sciences. I am in Honors Chemisrty right now and was recommended by my teacher to take AP Chem next year. If I didn't take this AP Chemistry class, I would take Honors Physics. Although I would love to earn the AP credit and boost my gpa with this class, taking this class would also mean that I would not have taken a physics class in high school. I'm not planning on doing anything with science in my life but I am wondering if physics is a required class to take in college. If it is a required class, would it be better for me to take this Honors Physics class so I would have a better understanding of it at the college level? Or should I go with the AP Chem class where it would boost my gpa? Do I even have to take Physics in college or can I take Chemistry instead?</p>
<p>Any advice with this situation would be great! I would greatly appreciate any help I can get!</p>