Hi there!
I’ll be a sophomore next year, and I’m wondering which AP class I should take next year as my history/ social science class. I know AP Euro is very difficult, and I’m worried that I won’t do well in the class if I take it next year. I’m planning on majoring in Engineering, not history, so does it matter which of these two AP’s I take? I’ve been told that it doesn’t matter since I’m not majoring in history and that colleges look at all AP’s the same way, but some have told me otherwise.
I want to get into Stanford, MIT, or UC Berkeley, and would they be more likely to accept me if I take Euro, even if I’m not majoring in History or anything related to that field? I want to do Euro because I feel like it would prepare me for junior and senior year, but I don’t want to end up doing worse in it than I would in Human. Plus, I feel like I’m a little more interested in AP Human, but Euro still seems really interesting. Also, is AP Human considered a history class? It is at my school, but is it to top colleges? Or does it not matter since I’m not majoring in the field?
I definitely plan on taking both AP Calculus AB and BC, AP Physics I and II, APUSH, AP Macro, AP Language and Literature, and possibly AP Chem junior and senior year. I’ve had a 4.0 ever since 6th grade, and I really want to keep my straight As.
Please let me know what I should do or if it even matters which one I take. Thanks so much!
I took AP Human Geography my freshman year, and AP Euro my junior year (current senior). I had an absolutely awful teacher for AP HuG (wasted soooooo much class time and just gave us work and told us to read, never actually taught anything-I could go on for ages). The class felt like a joke to me since the work was incredibly easy and I never had to really apply anything. I ended up with over 100% in the class and a 4 on the AP exam. Euro, on the other hand, was awesome. I’m not big into history, but the teacher made class engaging and interesting every day. I got a B in the class and a 3 on the exam, but I think I left it with much more. But, really, that’s just a personal thing and this doesn’t apply to you. I’ve heard AP Human can be a very interesting class, but it’s not as challenging as Euro.
If AP Human interests you more, take it! Sitting through a class you hate will make it 10x harder. Since math and science is your focus, I think as long as you get your required social studies credits and get a decent grade in the class, you’ll be fine!
PS: Could you take AP Human sophomore year, then maybe AP Euro junior or senior year? You could take it the opposite year as APUSH, so you wouldn’t be social studies overloaded. 
Good luck!
I don’t think I’ll have room to take AP Euro junior or senior year… I think I’ll just take it next year, but I’m just worried that I won’t do as well as I would in AP Human Geo.
Thank you so much for the reply!
It really depends. If you like APHG, it could be a great class for you, and if you like AP Euro, the same thing applies. If history isn’t your thing, I don’t think you should put so much effort into something you don’t like, so choose the one you’re interested in. Colleges like to see people with personalities, not just people who do what they think adcoms like (though we all do at some point
). It’s just not worth torturing yourself for a year.
I’m taking AP World right now, which I feel is a nice blend of the in-between. If that’s offered, you might consider taking it. Overall, though, APHG is less of a history course than Euro. It’s more conceptual and mostly common sense. It’s significantly easier in terms of the class and the AP exam, so you’ll be spending less time prepping and studying for it. Euro will be an actual history course, where you learn about people and events. The test will have long essays and more specific questions. I haven’t taken either myself, but my friends are taking them (I’m a sophomore).
My school doesn’t offer AP World…
Should I take Euro and self study HuG?
But if I take AP Euro and pass the exam, would it excuse me from taking a history class in college?