Hi, I’m currently a sophomore taking Chemistry and I’m really uncertain about whether or not I should take AP Physics next year.
I’ve heard that the class is super hard. I have the teacher who teaches AP Physics for Chemistry this year and he isn’t good at teaching. Chem was my lowest grade last semester, but I did still end with a 90% in the class. Everyone I’ve asked who is currently in AP Physics have told me not to take it.
I want to go into the engineering/architectural field, so I definitely need physics. I want to push myself to take AP Physics instead of the regular class because I want the chance to earn college credit. Also, a B in AP is weighted like an A.
Math is probably my best subject and I’m taking AP Calculus AB next year. I’m planning on taking four or five APs overall, so I’m not exactly sure if adding AP Physics in there would totally kill me. Is physics hard to learn on your own? I was thinking I could try to prepare for the class over summer if I am to sign up for it.
Please let me know what I should do! Thank you so much.
True, but you need physics with calculus for engineering, so any AP credit you get for AP Physics 1 won’t do you much good. If your school offers a physics honors course, you might be better served taking that next year, and taking AP Physics C as a senior. Additionally, AP Physics 1 won’t help you for the SAT Subject Test if any of your potential colleges require them. However, if Honors Physics is not offered at your school, AP Physics 1 is better than nothing. 
I would take AP Physics 1 as a prep for AP Physics C. If you’re majoring in Engineering, then taking AP Calc BC and AP Physics C is almost a must for your Senior year!
Many engineering schools don’t require calculus or AP physics for admission.
@ObitoSigma second this. Physics 1 makes Physics C much easier.
I would definitely take AP physics 1 if you want to go into engineering.I take Ap physics 1 right now and I’m a sophomore and it’s not that difficult. If you’re good at math you’ll be fine. I think that the only thing that will be challenging for you is the fact that your physics teacher isn’t a good teacher, but then again you can always self teach yourself BUT only if you feel that you can handle it. I would also suggest taking AP Physics C and AP Calc BC senior year.