Hi. I’m currently a junior and it will soon be the time to choose courses in my school. I still haven’t decided whether I should take AP Physics 1 or AP Physics C (possibly both exams) for my Senior year.
I have already taken a physics course in my high school (NOT AP Physics 1) and so I already have knowledge on forces (Newtonian), work, energy and circular motion. Also, I am taking AP Chemistry and have an A in that class. Someone told that taking AP Chem provides an advantage on understanding concepts in E&M. (Is that true?)
Next year, I will be taking AP Calculus BC (no doubt), which just further proves my love for math. 
But I have heard AP Physics C is a really challenging course and it may require more knowledge on Physics, which has made me doubt whether or not I should take it
Hence, I would love any advice that might help me with my decision. Thanks in advance.
I have a similar problem to this as well. I wish someone would reply!!
Hey, a senior suffering terribly from senioritis here! You have a very similar background with me on courses.
My classes are weird that we went through a semester (2 hours a day) for Mechanics and now we’re a week into E&M. I didn’t take AP Chem. And it does help out with E&M. I have no knowledge of chemistry and it’s a little hard to getting used to. Also, AP Calc AB background helps by a ton in that class.
Overall, I think AP Physics C is right for you. good luck next year!
It really depends upon what your plans are for a major and/or career. If you’re planning to major in engineering of natural sciences, then Physics C is probably the better bet. If you are planning pre-med, life sciences, or an non-STEM major, Physics 1 is probably better.
Yes it’s challenging, but you want to be challenged, right? No, it does not require more knowledge than an intro level physics class.
Don’t take both exams. The probability that a college will give credit for both is so close to zero, that let’s just say it’s zero.
@skieurope This is not correct! You need to check with the individual colleges about awarding AP credit my daughter was awarded credit for both. Credit from Physics 1 was counted as ‘general elective’ credit and Physics C counted for two specific required classes on her degree plan. The same will be true for DS at a different college.
@3scoutsmom Since the OP is a junior, you are correct that s/he should check the AP credit policies of the school s/he will be attending if s/he wants to spend the money taking both physics exams. However, your DD’s college is the exception, not the rule, although I may have gone to far by saying “almost zero.” 
UT Austin, UT Dallas, OU and TAMU all offer credit for both so I don’t think it that uncommon for schools that generally offer credit for AP classes to offer credit for both Physics 1 and Physics C. For schools that only offer a very limited amount of AP credit I could see them taking one or the other.
I’m interested in hearing some feedback on this as well. D is taking AP Calc (AB) and AP Bio this year, and plans on taking AP Calc (BC) and Physics 1 next year. She’s interested in majoring in Engineering (focus is Aerospace right now - inspired by Hidden Figures).
We’re looking at a few schools that offer combined degree programs that would allow her to complete her masters in 5 years. They all indicate that some level of AP placement is required to complete the curriculum in this short of a time. It looks like only Physics C:Mechanics will meet the core requirements for an engineering major.
D is concerned about the workload and difficulty compared to Physics 1 (Algebra based). My thought is that since she’s already taken Calc AB and will be taking Calc BC the concepts she’s learning shouldn’t be much more difficult in Physics C (Calculus based).
Is she better off taking Physics 1 and retaking Mechanics in college as a MechE/AerospaceE major, or will that make it more difficult to complete an accelerated program?
There is no way in good conscience recommend that you taking AP Physics C without having any prior experience with AP Calculus. I would suggest that you self-study basic calculus AB using some free online courses. MIT has tons of calculas videos (look up mit open course ware), Khan Academy is pretty good with explaining concepts and I would honestly have you seek out your high schools Calculus teacher and ask for the study material or resources. AP Physics is not a course where you want to be learning Calculus. This will also help you with AP Calculus BC.
@shortnuke Form my limited experience, the guidance of my teachers, and seniors who are taking AP Physics C.
I am a junior going into Calculus BC and AP Physics C next year.
I believe that if your daughter has already taken an introductory Physics course and taken Calc AB she should be fine. By fine I mean this is not a breeze class in anyway shape or form. This is one of the most rigorous if not The most difficult AP class. You have to be reading and preparing before each class to understand the topics covered.
In my response to the question of whether she should take AP physics 1 or AP Physics C truely depends on her comfort with physics topics and ideas. I would recommend that your D takes AP Physics C if she can manage devoting a large chunk (at least 1 hr of dedicated Physics study everyday). If she struggles with it she can always forgo the AP test and retake that class in college where she will have a easier time grasping the concepts after already learning them once.
Just for conformation, she has taken a physics course right?
DS18 is currently taking AP CAL BC and Physics C this year and hasn’t had a problem. He took pre AP Pre Cal and AP Physics 1/2 (they are taught as one class in our school) last year so he felt well prepared.