Should I take AP Physics 2?

<p>Hello everyone,</p>

<p>I'm in a bit of a dilemma. I'm debating whether if I should take AP Physics 2 next year, along with four other AP classes. To be honest, I didn't really start trying in high school until mid-sophomore year. Everything before that, I was settling with a 3.5 GPA. In the first half of my sophomore year, I took Physics 2 Honors as an elective. In the beginning I was doing great in the class and was one of the top students, but when it came to slightly more difficult concepts I didn't bother trying to study. I let myself get a C for the semester, which brought my GPA down. Currently I am TA-ing for a Physics 2H class, but I'm realizing that I have forgotten a lot of the things I learned. I fear that I wont do as well as I hope in AP Physics 2, which will bring down the GPA that I worked so hard to bring back up this past year. I would have to study a lot, and I'm already taking AP Biology, AP Comp Gov, AP Psychology, AP Stats, and regular english and math. What would you do if you were in my situation? How much work would you expect from taking AP Physics 2 and AP Bio?</p>