Should I take AP Physics B with my schedule?

<p>I am currently registering for classes for my senior year next year. I am in the IB program, and will be HL-ing in 4 classes next year- including chemistry. I am SL-ing in spanish, and then on top of that taking AP stats. My schedule will be pretty loaded. I need to take physics, but I am not sure on how much work or how hard AP physics B is. I am debating on taking that, or just honors physics. I was just wondering if anyone who has had the class has any advice, or if anyone in general has any imput on the subject? Thanks so much.</p>

<p>This might be just for my school, but the AP Physics program is fairly intensive and I seem to get alot of homework (I am also in the IB program by the way)
However, I think it depends on what type of student you are, if you think you are good at Physics and can handle a class that is math intensive, then try it.</p>

<p>I have to take physics this year along with the IB program and it was a choice between either Pre-AP or regular instead of AP or IB(We have both), because they don’t want us to be bogged down by all the other work I receive in my classes. I’m kinda glad it’s a REALLY REALLY easy class because it means I don’t have to worry about the class or grade vs. all the other IB classes. But if you can handle it, go on ahead, physics is basically math with science names.</p>

<p>okay, thanks guys! I ended up just registering for honors. I figure if its easy enough, and I can just transfer up.</p>

<p>I’m going through AP B right now, and I have to say, it is really not so bad. My school doesn’t offer IB courses, so I don’t know how busy your schedule is right now, but if you’re good at algebra and don’t mind nightly assignments that aren’t too lengthy, Physics B is not so bad. If you feel secure in your honors class, I recommend you bump up. Good luck!</p>