Should I take AP Physics C credit for Engineering

Hello, I am going to be a freshman this upcoming fall and currently enrolled in PHYS 218 with Erukhimova. I plan to major in electrical engineering (depending on the major specific application). The school recommends you only take credit if you get 5s on the AP tests. I got 3s on both tests which is technically enough for credit, however, not recommended. I finished with As in both semesters of the class. Should I accept any of the physics credit? Also, if anyone has already gone through A&M engineering, how well did the freshman physics courses establish a base for later courses?

PHYS 218 wasn’t related to any electrical engineering courses. PHYS 208 was a little bit, but not enough where I’d recommend not taking the credit for it. If you can take credit for your physics courses I’d go ahead and do it.

It may not establish a majorly important base as far as content of the class, but its importance is more or less in problem solving. It is also important because it will provide some preparation as far as study habits. Furthermore, it will give you a better idea of the expectations of college coursework. Developing the best habits freshman year is one of the most beneficial things you can do to succeed in the coming years.

If you are in 218 with Erukhimova, I would recommend just taking 218. You will enjoy her class. She is really a fantastic woman as far as a lecturer and person outside of class. If you really got a good foundation of physics knowledge from AP physics, then 218 and 208 should not be hard at all.

If you want to take the safest route (apart from taking both classes at A&M), then taking the credit for 218 may be the way to go. At least you will have peace of mind that you are for sure on a level playing field with the other electrical engineers in your classes.

You might want to ask your advisor if any of this would affect your entry to a major (ETAM). They now require passing grades in 2 science classes at A&M to get into an engineering major. While they will make an allowance for AP credit if needed, I would ask if that still applies if you take credit when they advise against it (Phys 218 with less than a 5 on the AP or Phys 208 period for electrical). It may not be an issue at all, but I’d ask to be sure.