Should I take Calculus or Intro to Stats next year?

I am planning to major in public health, and I am not sure what class to select for my senior year.
In my highschool, Calculus is a tough A, and I will most likely be getting a B, if I select that class. However, our intro to stats class is pretty much a free A. I am wondering which one I should take, because i have heard that for public health, intor to stats is a more helpful class, but for UC’s, calculus is better as they like to see the continued rigor into senior year.
Any thoughts?

I looked at the Public Health major requirements for several of the UC’s and all required 1-2 Calculus classes along with a 2 or more Stat classes. I would think it is a toss up but probably lean towards a Calculus course to make sure you are well prepared for your college level math courses.

Okay, thanks for your input.

A B in calculus in high school isn’t the end of the world, especially since what matters to UC’s for senior year is curriculum rigor, not the grade you get (as long as it’s passing… and a B should be fine). Look at your schedule and workload, make sure it’s doable with enough time left to apply to universities* and enough time to sleep.

  • = don’t just apply to UC’s, as it may be a bit unpredictable. Make sure to apply to the more residential CSU’s as well as pick some private universities where you’ve run the NPC and established they’d be affordable for your family (good picks would include for example Whitman, WIllamette, UPuget Sound, Seattle U, Lewis&Clark…)

Alright, so what I’m seeing is that for UC’s, calculus would be the better class to take, but what about for out of state universities? Would calculus still be the better option then? If I were to get a B in calc vs an A in intro to stats.

it really depends on your other qualifications. What are your GPA/SAT, how may APs have you taken already, etc?

Take both and impress the heck out of them. I read that the UCs are hard to get into. Wouldn’t this make you stand out? Good luck whatever you decide.