should i take gen chemistry lecture or lab first? or is it better to take it separate days?

i will be taking gen chem lecture and lab. so here would be some choices for my schedule

lec: 9:35 - 11 am
lab: 11:10 - 2:15 pm


lab: 7:50 - 10:55 am
lec: 11:10 - 12:35 pm


take both on separate days? my 2 other subjects would be english and calculus. which of them should i pair up together?

It depends. If your lab covers what you did the week before, then you are good to take it either way. If your lab covers what you’re doing the same week, lecture first would probably be best. In my personal opinion, I liked to have chem lecture MWF and take the labs T/TH.

I wouldn’t do a chem lab at 8 in the morning but that’s just me.

It is fine to take both the same day. Given the choice I’d opt for the lecture first but it would probably be fine either way.