Should I take Macro and Micro Econ?

<p>Hi, I'm going to enter the CoE at UM in Fall 2009 and am not sure whether it would be a waste to take AP Econ. I've hard that the social study credits don't really help toward fulfilling the requirements for my major and will only bump up my credit count, maybe even giving me junior standing (higher tuition). However, I am interested in economics and finance and may seek a minor in economics. Also, scroll to the bottom of this link:</p>

<p>Office</a> of Undergraduate Admissions: AP Guidelines</p>

<p>It says I get credit for ECON 101x and ECON 102x and may be eligible to enroll in 101 and 102... what does this mean?</p>

<p>Any help is greatly appreciated! I have to submit my AP registration forms by this Monday :X</p>

<p>i got credit for econ101x and econ 102x, and i still took econ101 and 102 to pad my gpa… basically your transfer credits go byebye once you take the real class</p>