Should I take Math HL? How relevant is it for college applications?

I am currently starting my junior year, and I´m taking HL Economics and Physics, but I don´t know if Math HL is worth it. Currently, my school does not offer Math HL, but there are cases where people take the class with a private teacher. What should I do? My math skills are well above average (at my school at least), but nothing too crazy.

What type of major are you thinking of?
Math HL goes beyond Calc BC so you need to be sure you’re really, really good at it. It’s recommended if you want to major in math or Engineering.
If your school doesn’t offer Math HL though no one can fault you for not taking it.

I am strongly considering an economics major. I am good at math and have good grades, even though I never study. I am not sure if I could take HL since I don´t know how strong the course is (but I am assuming it is very difficult considering the handful of people that have chosen HL). Is it worth it? Will it have a significant impact for economics?

You should be fine with IB Math SL (NOT Math Studies though) but what would your third HL be?

I can tell you my daughter was accepted at several UK and US universities for chemistry with SL, but it does mean she has to take some more math in university.

Are you applying in the US or the UK?
For economics in the US, Math SL is fine; for economics in the UK, Math HL is preferred.

HL Physics without HL Mathematics makes no sense. You won’t have a course that has first and not the latter. They always go hand in hand. Take the math if you’re good at it, it will boost your college application and open doors to many many majors and better economics degrees. Especially if you never learn math and are still good at it, you should take it. Low cost, high return. However, if you find it a strain, I have friends who did fine and got into the Russel Group unis without Math HL, but with SL.

Also… Physics is a subject useful mainly in engineering and physics courses. Math is crucial in those and computer science, and useful for economics. If you took an essay based subject at HL instead, it could open up perspectives in law, but it’s not my piece of cake so I can’t help you there. You miht want to consider which direction appeals to you more.

Ill be applying both in the UK and in the US (and also to UBC in Canada). If I don´t choose Math HL, my third HL will probably be English. Im also considering majoring in engineering, but I`m not sure what to choose yet. What do you recommend?

Economics in college will require calculus (at least in colleges good for economics). If you plan to go on to PhD study in economics, you will need much more math beyond that. Engineering in college will also require calculus and more advanced math.

Among IB choices, math SL (not math studies SL) is sufficient preparation, while math HL will get you advanced placement in math at most colleges.

math studies SL = overview of math topics for those who will not need more math in college
math SL = precalculus and introduction to calculus for those who will need calculus and beyond in college
math HL = precalculus and calculus that commonly gives advanced placement in math in college

I agree with @RebeccaJay . Every Physics HL student that does well (level 6 and above) takes Math HL in my school. If you want to do engineering or economics, and you want to get into top universities in the UK (LSE, Oxbridge) and Canada (McGill), then you literally have to take Math HL because you it’s REQUIRED. US is much more flexible, but the credits you can get from Math HL is amazing.

MAth SL should be fine, especially because your school doesn’t offer HL.