Should I take My car to college?

The university I may be going to is about 3 hours from home. Should I leave my car at home for the first year of College? I My campus has Transit that I heard is pretty good, And It helps with getting acquainted. Our bus goes to all major shopping centers, and the city.

Pros, you can go where you want, when you want. Cons, your dorm may be a long way from the parking lot, you will miss chances to get to know other students using the campus transit system, of which there will be many, and you will end up being the designated, put-upon driver for all kinds of situations. I know a ton of kids who don’t take their cars to school until they are upperclassmen, when campus life can sometimes get a little limiting. Personally, I wouldn’t bring it, mostly because people can take advantage of you when they know you have a car.

As a rule, most freshman on most campuses are better off without a car. You need to be focused on getting settled in, not on planning your escape.

I have actually been debating the same thing. Well more or less… I don’t really have an option to not bring my car, because it’s on a lease. I was wondering, how is parking etc? Does the University give you a parking spot? I know UCI near me does this.

Edit: I will be a Junior, because I am transferring.

  1. Does your college allow freshman to have cars on campus?
  2. The reason they generally don’t is to get you to spend more time on campus and becoming part of the college community
  3. Can you get a place to park?
  4. Do you mind driving your friends who don’t have a car places?
  5. If you live in dorm, you don’t need a car.

Each university sets its own parking policy. You need to look for that information on its website.

I’d leave it at home for your first year, or try for the first semester. Especially if you live in a place with snow, it’ll probably be more trouble than it’s worth, and some universities don’t allow freshmen to have cars. If you find not having one too limiting, then you can bring it for the second semester or once you’re an upperclassman. If the transit system is good and you’re living in the dorms it should be set up so you can walk/bike/take transit most places you’d need to go.
Also, at some universities a parking pass is more of a “license to search” for a parking spot. You may need to walk further to get to your car than to get where you wanted to drive.

Nothing wrong with bringing you car. But, depending on the campus, it’s not necessarily a useful everyday vehicle. Large universities generally have transportation and small colleges, you can walk. However, to get out and about there is an advantage to a car. Whether it is to the mall, grocery store, etc. or way out to some activity it makes life easier. Especially if you go to school in a nice area and want to explore.

Difficulty finding a parking place on campus is only realistic in the middle of the night and vacations. Otherwise your chances of finding parking is like a lottery. Walking or riding bikes are great ways to get around campus. Campus buses are a good option because is stated schedules, good routes, and travel even in terrible weather. Riding campus buses also provide enough down time to relax and look out at window. Finally, if you are one of the handful with a car, other students will think you will drive them to stores, classes, other other places. No one offers to contribute to gas and you will spend time driving others around. The downsides of having a car on campus to drive home monthly isn’t a great reason to me.

CC seems to generally be anti-car. I think if you plan on going home intermittently, it’s a pretty good idea to bring it. Having a parent drive 6hrs round trip is going to be annoying for them as it eats up a big chunk of a day.

(To commenters) I don’t get why the whole “others will want to use your car” is an argument. if you don’t want to drive them places, just tell them no. it’s that simple. Also having a car isn’t just about getting around on campus, how are you supposed to get around town? Most places, especially colleges in big cities, have terrible public transportation. I know the poster said her college had good public transport but not every college and city will. (To the poster) if you want to bring your car, bring your car. you don’t need to ride a bus to meet people. if you want to meet people, go out and meet people.

One of my kids goes to a school that has an outlying parking lot for kids who need to drive to school (many instate kids drive over 8 hours just to get to school) but don’t need their cars while at school. It is very cheap.

Most kids do have their cars close to their dorms or apt. My daughter took a car for the first time last fall but didn’t take it back this spring. She probably will in April, but for the winter it is just too much trouble to dig out of the snow on a daily basis. She has a boyfriend with several trucks and cars so he can drive her where she needs to go. She walks everywhere.

I would always take my car if it was an option. I wouldn’t use it on a daily basis, but the freedom to be able to get home with out a ride or your parents making the 6 hour round trip to get you and then 6 hour to take you back would be worth it!

How expensive is the lot lol

I’d leave it at home the first year. It may offer some convenience, but you’ll be busy with a million other things too. Plus it’s still close by if you need it. I left mine at home when I went to college and it was never an issue. May depend on your campus & town though.