Should I take one AP English exam or both and if only one, which one?

<p>I applied to all campuses except Merced and already got into Riverside. My only other strong match for sure is UC Santa Cruz, Irvine, SB, and Davis are maybes, and Berkeley,LA, and SD I highly doubt I’ll get in. Anyways, from my understanding of what I’ve read on the websites, only one AP exam is needed for credit except for Irvine which says if you take both, it gets you out of two courses. However I’ve heard from students of previous years that these things can be iffy and change and that colleges aren’t always true to what they say when it comes to AP credits. That’s why I’m wondering whether to take one exam or both.
Until this year, my school did not offer AP Lang (it’s in it’s first year at our school and is for the juniors). All we had until now is AP Lit which I am in. However my teacher has designed the class in a way that we are prepared for both exams to make up for all this. If I only take one exam which one should I take? Which one do people find easier? Does it matter which one for credit? If I only choose to take one, I’m leaning towards Lit but I want to be sure I’m making the right decision.</p>

<p>Sorry if this sounds confusing but hopefully you get the gist of what I’m asking.</p>

<p>I think most campuses only give credit for one so taking two would be redundant. I preferred AP Language, but it depends on your interests.</p>