Should I take the most demanding courseload?

<p>I'm getting ready to register for next years HS courses. This year, I took almost the most demanding course load and my gpa was..</p>

<p>3.5 UW
3.7 W</p>

<p>I'm not shooting for ivies, but schools like BU, GWU, Georgetown.... etc</p>

<p>Is it worth it for me to take acc chemistry (not weighted) and a 3-4 APs (over 2 semester), and mostly honors (not weighted)?</p>

<p>Or should I stay with regular chemistry, and regular European history (required), instead of honors humanities (no AP)?</p>

<p>Most demaning, really demanding, or demanding?</p>

<p>Whatever you think you can handle. If you’re into the sciences take the harder science coureses, the same goes for the humanities. Colleges will like to see you challenge yourself in what you’re most interested in. However, don’t take the most challenging courses if your gpa is going to plummet. Take a good mix of courses to show you’re willing to challenge yourself but still get good grades.</p>

<p>No… the “most demanding” course thing is very, very overrated. All the courses on your transcript will boil down to nothing more than a five second glance by an admin. No matter what the official college public relations wants you to believe, nothing beats a high GPA.</p>

<p>I agree with nooob. If you can’t handle the really demanding courseload you’re thinking of (as in, it’ll interfere with your social life, or whatever after-school activities you do, or will just be uncomfortable in general), I don’t think you should do it. I think it’s good to have a workload that’s challenging for you, but at the right level.</p>