should i take the SATs a third time?

<p>so i got my sats back
i've taken them twice now
first time: 800 CR 620 M 690 WR (8 essay)
this time: 700 CR 650 M 790 WR (8 essay again...)</p>

<p>i really want to get my math scores up. i KNOW i can get AT LEAST a 680, i just had a really bad testing experience the second time i took them.
My question is, does taking them three times look really bad? Should i take them in October with the hopes of raising my math to a 700 for a total superscore of 2290?</p>

<p>(If it helps, my top choice school is Pomona...)</p>

<p>Pomona’s Math score range is 700-790 so it would be to your advantage to at least get into the 25-75 range of your top choice.</p>

<p>You should consult your math teacher or someone older to help you master the math section. A lot of it is tricky, but if you can learn how to battle through the tougher questions, your score will go up.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>