Should I take TOEFL?

<p>I am permanent resident and came here like 3 yrs ago… (was here since freshmen year)
Am I considered as international student just bc my native language isn’t english?
I didn’t take TOEFL…(didn’t really thought about it) and I’m kind of worried about it… T-T
FYI, I got CR660 for last JAN. test. and my CR score might have increased in DEC. test</p>

<p>shoould I give up on BC? …</p>

<p>i was wonderng that as well, although i came over about 9 yrs ago. but im hoping that as a permanent resident, i am safe from that requirement (i got a 35 on the english section, 36 on the reading section of the ACTs)</p>

<p>how do u have permanent resident status if you’ve only lived here for 3 years? i thought you had to live here for at least 5 to get your green card?</p>

<p>BC does not require TOEFL if your critical reading score is above 600.
I also got 660 and was admitted to Class of 2013~!</p>

<p>o really? nice
anotherasian1234 - I dunno the exact answer for that. my aunt lived here so there’s family thing going on? i guess…</p>